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Showing 1051 - 1080 of 1710 comments
Tomato 06 Sep, Lou (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Is the July and August direct sun to much for tomato plants? My plants get to about 12 inches high then the leaves begin to shrivel up. Thanks, Lou
Tomato 09 Sep, Anonymous (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Tomatoes need to be planted deep and then watered deep. A really good watering 3-4 times a week. If your climate is really hot and or dry then maybe plant a bit earlier to avoid the hottest part of summer.
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 30 Aug, Anna (Canada - Zone 5a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Golden Berry | Physalis Is this plant will survive in Canadain winter (Place called Mississauga, ON, also called GTA (Greater Toronto Area)) if I kept in my garden & grow up again next March. I belief it perennial . Please confirm me.
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 31 Aug, Anon (USA - Zone 3b climate)
I'd suggest you go to the climate zone (blue tab near top of the page) and work out your Canadian climate zone or the equivalent in USA. Then look up the info you want. Can't find it then google it.
Tomato 30 Aug, Pam hohenstreet (USA - Zone 6a climate)
What is the biggest tomato best grown here? What is the meatiest large canning tomato?
Tomato 31 Aug, Liz (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Google or use DuckDuckGo and search for 'large meaty tomato varieties' .
Garlic 29 Aug, Karen Mirikitani (USA - Zone 11b climate)
When do you add grass cuttings or dead leaves to the garden bed when growing garlic?
Garlic 31 Aug, Anonymous (USA - Zone 3b climate)
Work out if adding to the soil or as a mulch. Google it then.
Pumpkin 27 Aug, alexander (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I read that they can have trouble pollinating without a little help, though I haven't started growing mine yet.
Pumpkin 20 Sep, Ivie Walker (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Because of the heat in zone 9a. Plants have difficulty pollinating when temperatures are 90 degrees or higher. In Southern Nevada temps got to 120 degrees. I plant seeds especially seedlings once temps are below 90 degrees. When temps are high I use Blossom Set to help the fruit to set on
Pumpkin 28 Aug, Anonymous (USA - Zone 6b climate)
If you don't have active bees when they flower then you can hand pollinate. A female flower is only open for a few hours one day, if not pollinated then no pumpkin grows. Google how to do it.
Cucumber 25 Aug, colleen (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Ignore my current zone, I used to live in central NH so I know your cuke season is brief. To me, nothing beats Chicago Pickling (a cheap and excellent heirloom) unless you have lots of disease challenges in your garden, in which case I'd go with Eureka--not quite as tasty, but vigorous. To get crunchy pickles, pick them small, put them in an ice bath right away and then pickle as soon as possible. For refrigerator pickles, calcium chloride helps keep them crunchy. For fermented (half-sours) you keep them crunchy by cutting off the blossom end of the cuke and adding tannins to the jar, from grape, oak, or horseradish leaves. That might help you with refrigerator pickles too. To me, the hardest part can be getting dill and cukes to be ready at the same time!
Celery 24 Aug, Jim S (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Have had cerlery growing from seed since beginning of march 2020 they are still only about 6 inches high and are just starting to look bushy and dark green ..should I move to a more shady place they have been in sun (potted) since day one full sun ......maybe morning sun then shade rest of day ?
Celery 07 Oct, Sandy (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I also live in 9b. I haven’t grown it from seed but will be trying this fall and see what happens. But, I did grow it successfully from store bought celery. I chop the stalks away from the Root base and stick it directly into my raised bed and keep it moist. The leaves first appear from the center of the Root base and continue to grow from the old root. The raised bed is partially shaded and celeryready to harvest in about 3-4 months.
Celery 25 Aug, Anon (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Celery take a long time to grow. After 2 months my seedlings were like 3 week old lettuce. I don't know your climate but we grow them autumn into winter. I will finish picking mine this week (last week of winter- Australia- sob-tropical climate). Maybe a bit of fertiliser to kick them along. They need sunlight. Hope they are in a decent size pot, have a big root system.
Zucchini (also Courgette/Marrow, Summer squash) 24 Aug, Dave (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I cannot seem to get my zucchini to grow. The leaves keep wilting and dying off and so do the sprouts from below. We have a raised compost garden with tomatoes and bell peppers. It has been VERY hot this summer so perhaps I should be watering more? At what times should I water to help the plants the most? Thank you in advance.
Zucchini (also Courgette/Marrow, Summer squash) 25 Aug, Anon (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Take a look at the top of the page at the monthly planting guide, plant Feb Mar April. A lot of vegetables are seasonal so plant at the right time to get the best results. When watering, water low on the edge of the plant not above the flower and do it in the morning. A good watering 3 times a week.
Zucchini (also Courgette/Marrow, Summer squash) 27 Aug, Dave (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Thanks! I'll follow that guidance. I suppose I might have to replant in the Spring then too :)
Cucumber 23 Aug, Nathan (USA - Zone 4a climate)
Wanting to plant cucumbers for pickling next year 2021. Have always bought from another source and would like to do it my self. Want small cucumbers.. any suggestions on which kind? I make refrigerator pickles so want the “Crunch”. Thank you in advance
Cucumber 24 Aug, Anonymous (USA - Zone 3b climate)
Google to find a recommended pickling cue.
Sage (also Common Sage) 23 Aug, Kathleen (USA - Zone 9b climate)
How do I take a cutting from my daughters sage plant? Do I try to root it in water? Thanks
Sage (also Common Sage) 24 Aug, Anonymous (USA - Zone 3b climate)
Take a few pieces and put in water, change the water each 3-4 days. Or break a piece of the plant off with some roots on it and plant in a pot, keep in the shade for a week or two until it is established.
Collards (also Collard greens, Borekale) 20 Aug, Joell (USA - Zone 7a climate)
When to plant collard kale turnip mustard green (Check here and under plant name for the others - Gardenate)
Ginger 19 Aug, DJ (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Can I plant ginger in August?
Ginger 31 May, Dr. Answer Man (USA - Zone 6a climate)
No. You need a solid 6 months of warm. Start your ginger indoors in Jan-Feb and then transplant in May-June after freeze/frost is minimal threat.
Ginger 20 Aug, Anon (USA - Zone 7b climate)
The monthly calendar guide at the top of the page has no P T S in it. That means that you probably can't grow it. It needs a warm/hot climate.
Ginger 19 Aug, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Have a look at this page
Tomato 18 Aug, Jane (USA - Zone 9a climate)
What are the best tomatoes to grow in 9a to slice in salads and sandwiches?
Tomato 19 Aug, (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Look at the different tomatoes on a seed selling website that might suit your climate. Most varieties would grow in your area probably. The more important thing is plant them the right time of year.
Carrot 17 Aug, Fran (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Will it be too late to sow these in early September?
Showing 1051 - 1080 of 1710 comments
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