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Showing 1021 - 1050 of 1710 comments
Garlic 09 Nov, Anonymous (USA - Zone 9b climate)
You could dig up and dry for a day, but in storing them put them in an open tray only one bulb/clump deep. Don't store in a big clump - they will sweat and rot. Your suggestion is pretty spot on. I pull my shallot bulbs out and leave them in the sun for a week or two. Trim the top off and put them in a tray 40mm x 60mm about 50cm deep. Store in the shade so they have air flow around them.
Strawberry Plants 02 Nov, Benita (USA - Zone 10a climate)
What type of Strawberries can I plant in Zone 10A. so when I transplant, the crowns are already in proper placement depth in soil. Planted seascape everbearing bareroots but they all died.. pls advise. Thank you.
Strawberry Plants 03 Nov, Anonymous (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Don't cover with soil the growing tip part of the crown, you will kill the plant. Plant them and try and cover them with some shade for a week or so to help them to establish.
Strawberry Plants 03 Nov, Anonymous (USA - Zone 6a climate)
If you want a good crop buy new runner plants from a plant producer. Also read up about how to plant and grow them.
Cabbage 01 Nov, Martin (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Growing cabbage for seed. What is the best way to hold plants so they don’t fall over
Cabbage 02 Nov, (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Stake them.
Artichokes (Globe) 28 Oct, Karen Jean (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Can I grow artichoke seed green globe & Purple of Romagna in a plant pot? I have a 14” pot or should I go larger? How many seeds should I plant in one?
Artichokes (Globe) 21 Apr, SoCal BYGarden (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Go BIG. A 2'x2' planter is likely the smallest you can do the plant will hide the planter when in full bloom. Cut it down when is started to go brown or comes back every year.
Artichokes (Globe) 28 Oct, Anonymous (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Plant Spacing- 160-200cm, 5-7 feet. That is between each plant.
Tomato 22 Oct, Gerald Swanson (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Can you grow tomatoes in the winter (Zone 10a)? Are there certain varieties better suited for winter months here?
Tomato 23 Oct, colleen (USA - Zone 10b climate)
I believe I used to live in zone 10a when I lived in Los Angeles (Van Nuys). I *did* manage to grow some tomatoes over winter a couple of times, though I'm not sure it was worth it.
Tomato 26 Oct, (USA - Zone 10a climate)
It wasn't worth it because you planted out of season. By the planting guide - plant late winter early spring for a summer crop.
Tomato 26 Oct, colleen (USA - Zone 10b climate)
There was more to my reply, recommending varieties (esp Glacier) and alternative approaches, but I'm not sure what happened to it. Maybe I wrote too much info. (Gardenate : Part of the last sentence was missing in your previous reply)
Mint (also Garden mint) 15 Oct, Kathleen (USA - Zone 6a climate)
I was just given 2 mint plants, can Ikeep them indoors and plant outside in Spring?
Mint (also Garden mint) 20 Oct, Perla (USA - Zone 10a climate)
I have mine in my patio (which gets sun in the morning only). It's been there for 1 1/2 yr. and seems to thrive every season so far. Mint is super invasive, so make sure to keep them in their own pot or container, otherwise, it will take over your other plants.
Mint (also Garden mint) 19 Oct, Anonymous (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Read the notes here it tells you.
Potato 11 Oct, Neil Hjelmervik (USA - Zone 9a climate)
We have hard freezes in our garden, as low as 20degrees. What varieties do you recommend to be planted at what times?
Potato 15 Oct, colleen (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Not sure what part of the country you're in, but there is a garden blog I love called Homestead and Chill which is based out of California, the San Luis Obispo area, which I believe is also zone 9. As I recall the gardeners who run the blog have talked in detail about growing potatoes in their zone, and which types they've had good success with. You might want to look that up and see what they suggest. Good luck!
Potato 12 Oct, Anon (USA - Zone 9a climate)
I assume you are 9a zone, and you are on the potato page, then the time to plant is at top of the page. Find out what varieties grow in your area- google it.
Asparagus 10 Oct, Ginger (USA - Zone 9a climate)
I just received 6 asparagus roots, with 4” growth on top. Can I plant them in my enclosed garden area or should I keep them near a window, indoors? It is still warm to hot, in my zone 9 area, of Southern California.
Asparagus 12 Oct, (USA - Zone 9a climate)
I assume you mean 6 crowns, a bulb with roots coming from it, looks like a spider. Plant them out but pay attention to watering.
Sweet corn (also corn,maize) 03 Oct, Brian Halse (USA - Zone 10b climate)
How tall should the Sweet Corn be before planting the beans?
Sweet corn (also corn,maize) 08 Oct, (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Probably 30cm or so.
Tomato 02 Oct, Ray Golimo (USA - Zone 10a climate)
When is the best time to grow tomatoes in zone 10A?
Luffa (also Loofah, plant sponge) 23 Sep, Vicki (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Can I plant loofa seeds in Oct.
Luffa (also Loofah, plant sponge) 23 Sep, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Check on this page
Jerusalem Artichokes (also Sunchoke) 15 Sep, Skip Still (USA - Zone 7b climate)
When and how much sun for Jerusalem artichoke bulb? When to plant. Other recommendations (Gardenate : Check here Artichokes?zone=114 )
Sage (also Common Sage) 13 Sep, Lionel (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Can I grow Sage herb in my out door garden which is in a Zone 6b region?? Is so, can I grow all the different types of Sage in this Zone region??
Sage (also Common Sage) 15 Sep, (USA - Zone 11a climate)
Yes and yes.
Sage (also Common Sage) 14 Sep, Anonymous (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Read the notes here about growing sage. Generally when they tell you to plant something it covers all varieties. Sometimes there are early mid and late season varieties of a plants, and sometimes varieties for summer and winter (like lettuce).
Showing 1021 - 1050 of 1710 comments
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