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Asparagus 18 Mar, Nancy Spencer (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Sorry you're having this problem Pete. Here in Florida, we have something called pocket gophers. They burrow underground, leaving occasional piles of dirt at the surface. They feed off of the roots of vegetables. I am berrying fencing all around the perimeter, 1 foot deep, to prevent them getting in to my asparagus. It should stop the bunnies too! Don't know if this help but I wish you luck in solving this.
Capsicum (also Bell peppers, Sweet peppers) 07 Nov, Pam (USA - Zone 10a climate)
My bell peppers are still producing from summer. Not nearly as much, but they are still holding their own. Based on the chart I should be planting undercover in seed trays. Should I have pulled out these bell pepper plants at the end of summer? Will they continue to produce until the frost hits them???? curious
Capsicum (also Bell peppers, Sweet peppers) 10 Nov, (USA - Zone 5a climate)
I would keep them if they are still producing good crop.
Capsicum (also Bell peppers, Sweet peppers) 21 Aug, Sandra (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Peppers can live for a couple of years; if your plants are still alive through the winter, they should produce the next year. If it snows out, bring them in where it’s cozy as long as they live they will produce I think a maximum of four years depending on the health and care of the plant.
Asparagus 07 Nov, Pam (USA - Zone 10a climate)
I have purple asparagus, about a 7 year old bed. I read to only harvest spears that are larger than a pencil, but if I do that the smaller ones turn into "bushes" and hide the larger spears. Is this the correct way to harvest and grow? Question 2: I read to only harvest them for a certain number of weeks and then when they start getting pencil thin, to stop harvesting. but this seems like such a short harvest season, and the plants still want to produce. It is as if my asparagus bed is bushy more than it is in the productive mode. Is this correct? Can I continue to harvest longer? Question 3: Can I plant the poisonous red balls and they will grow into new plants? I thought my old plants would reproduce, but my bed seems to be about the same annually. I just don't feel like a confident grower, and the sources I read don't seem to provide information specific enough for my needs. thank you
Asparagus 18 Feb, Vee (USA - Zone 10a climate)
What varieties can I grow in zone 10a? Jupiter, Florida
Asparagus 10 Nov, Anonymous (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Asparagus needs two things.1. It needs some ferns left at the end of growing season to feed and build the nutrient storage in the crown for the next season. 2. They also need fertiliser in the growing season. Here is what I do. I cut the ferns off end of winter, give a good watering, a good fertilising, then 6
Garlic 04 Nov, Melinda Horsey (USA - Zone 9b climate)
What about growing elephant garlic in zine 9b? Is it the same as regular garlic?
Asparagus Pea (also Winged bean) 03 Nov, Thuy Tran (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Which the best month to grow asparagus pea Can I grow right now?
Asparagus Pea (also Winged bean) 05 Nov, (USA - Zone 10b climate)
March. No.
Pak Choy (also Pak choi) 02 Nov, Charlie Huang (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I am in San Jose, CA, Zone 9b. Is there any typo for the best seed sowing months for Pak Choy? The page says that Pak Choy prefers the temp 70-85 for growing. The best months for sowing seed are Nov/Dec/Jan. But the average temp is around 45-70 for these 3 months. Also there is high risk for the frost. The Pak Choy seed packages I had shows the best seed sowing months are Sept/Oct and Feb/March/April. is a wondaful website that I have been looking it for a long time, especially for the reminder. It will be even great if you can add some more Asian vegetable to your list, such as: Arugula / Tong Ho /Taiwan New Sword Leaf Lettuce / Yu Choi Sum / Gain Lan / Chinese Stem Lettuce / Xue-Li-Hong / Stem Mustard Zha Choy / Garlic Chives / RED STRIP Leaf Amaranth / Luffa / Green gourd / Spaghetti Squash / Winter melon / Hyacinth Bean / Long bean etc. I know a lot of Asian home gardeners in CA are looking for it. There are a lot vegetable planting information in the website now. But you are the one of them in the best list. Wish your online better and better.
Pak Choy (also Pak choi) 05 Nov, Anonymous (USA - Zone 4a climate)
Look up a chart for temperatures required to germinate vegetables. If your soil temperature is lower than what is required it will probably take longer to germinate or not germinate at all. Soil temp is different to air temp. A lot of the Asian greens would grow in the same climate zone and in similar seasons. Consideration has to be given to how hot it might be, how wet (storms etc) pests and diseases etc,
Celery 29 Oct, Alan kuchas (USA - Zone 4a climate)
Would like to know everything about vegetables from seeding to harvest in my ZONE4a. This way I would know when to start seeds indoors and outdoors and best time to transplant out with any pertinent tips along the way…Thanks….AL (Gardenate says : Select USA 4a in the bar at the top of the page. Scroll through the months.)
Rutabaga (also Swedes) 27 Oct, Steve (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Why exactly can you not plant Rutabagas next to Broccoli? The few companion planting guides out there that I have found says NO they hate each other. What's the science behind that thinking?
Rutabaga (also Swedes) 20 Feb, Steve (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Thanks everyone for responding. Broccoli did fine and still harvesting rutabagas. Did not have any issues with growth or pests and no diseases that i can see. Conclusion even though they did well together, I'll stick with time proven methods.
Rutabaga (also Swedes) 08 Jan, Anonymous (Canada - Zone 7b Mild Temperate climate)
Rutabagas are moderate to heavy feeders that do best in rich, loamy soil amended with composted manure. Optimal soil temperature: 18-21°C (65-70°F). Rutabagas need lots of water. Brussels sprouts prefer temperatures between 45 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and also like well composted manure. Additionally, they both like approximately the same PH range. They are both Brassicas; one Brassica oleracea the other Brassica napobrassica. They like the same conditions: no surprise, they are from the same family. So why did a companion planting guide tell you not to plant them together. The main reasons: 1. They are both considered heavy feeders: that means they will sap your soil of all nutrients. Companion planting usually doesn't place two heavy feeders side by side. It's easy to get past this: just add lots of compost or manure several times in the growing season: at planting: mid season: and nearing the end of season so the plants have enough nutrition to fully develop their fruit (vegetables). 2. These two plants share the same threats (pests); when you plant them side by side the TARGET BECOMES BIGGER and more attractive, so you need to watch out for pests. Companion planting usually places a
Rutabaga (also Swedes) 09 Jan, Celeste Archer (Canada - Zone 7b Mild Temperate climate)
Companion planting usually places plants that don't attract the same pests (or discourages pests that the other attracts) side by side. This stops/inhibits infestations which can occur easily when the pest can move from one site to another (plant to plant - like in rows or patches). Herbs tend to deter a lot of pests (odour) as do Calendula (pot marigolds). To my best estimation you can plant these two plants side by side: just add extra manure/compost and be on the look out for pests (taking action quickly if spotted).
Rutabaga (also Swedes) 28 Oct, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
It is usually because they might produce chemicals in the soil that affect growth or they take the same nutrients from the soil and are susceptible to the same diseases.
Rutabaga (also Swedes) 28 Oct, Steve (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Thank you for your reply, but your answer is a little too vague. I had already placed them together per spouse suggestion in a 4x4 section of the greenhouse so I'll do my own testing, good or bad the sacrifice is minimal.
Jerusalem Artichokes (also Sunchoke) 24 Oct, Tim (USA - Zone 8a climate)
I've grown these in large 50+ gallon size bags and they do very well, however the bags can dry out quickly. I've found it best to grow them in wicking barrels cut from the plastic 55 gallon drums. These are much easier to keep moisture to the tubers.
Cardoon 14 Oct, Leslie Trail (USA - Zone 6b climate)
You can also buy seeds at (Baker Creek seeds) They have a variety called "GOBBO DI NIZZIA" It is great for cooking or just for the flowers.
Sage (also Common Sage) 12 Oct, Bill Backouris (USA - Zone 10b climate)
in southern california zone 10b when should I prune back my mexican sage, also how severe a prunning is required
Garlic 08 Oct, Rich (USA - Zone 6b climate)
It's best to plant hardneck garlic in zone 6B from the middle to late October or even early November. The key is you want it to be cold, consistently below 45°, at least every night time. The first freezing encounter triggers garlic to start producing roots and that would determine how healthy and large the plants grow. Keep in mind freezing above ground may not equal freezing below ground. If you plant it in too warm a time, like early October, it may stunt the growth. It may even rot the garlic if it's wet too long. You may be able to accelerate the process by keeping in the refrigerator for a few weeks I'm not even know people who have kept it in the freezer for a few days or longer hopefully triggering root growth. I haven't tried that so I don't know.
Brussels sprouts 08 Oct, Jess (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Hi My Brussel sprouts were growing really well and now with the buds forming they are all loose and floppy. Is there something that I can do to stop that? Thanks in advance.
Garlic 07 Oct, Myrna (USA - Zone 7b climate)
I have success in planting from October 1 up until Early Dec….harvesting late May through July. Nice large bulbs in Zone 7b, getting close to 8a.
Garlic 08 Mar, Miriam Rodriguez (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Hi, thank you for your comment. What type of garlic do you grow? Can you send me some advise on how you grow it including fertilizers that you use etc? I am growing in zone 8a. Thank you so much, Miriam.
Garlic 17 May, Cynthia (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Hey Miriam I'm in zone 8A and I grow Purple Glazer, Italian Mountain Red and Inchelium Red in my raised garden beds. I plant anytime from 10/15 until Halloween. I havent used fertilizer in the past so I cant comment on that. However if you live in SC, Clemson Coop Esxtension has a great site for information on growing all sorts of veggies. I usually start harvesting late May till Mid June (my neighbor said to harvest when half of the leaves have turned yellow/brown. Hope this helps and good luck with growing garlic for next year
Garlic 06 Oct, mohamed (USA - Zone 6b climate)
can I plant garlic now, first week of Ocrober, on Cape Cod, Massachusetts?
Garlic 05 Oct, Annemarie (USA - Zone 8b climate)
We would like to plant garlic for next summer. We live in the Seattle we are going to be headed into a lot of rainy weather for the next few months. When should we plant my cloves to get big multi clove bulbs and when would we harvest them? We plan on using large containers....should they be moved into a place with a little weather protection during the heaviest rain? We planted in February last year and got tiny tiny bulbs..... The same question for leeks if you know about those too..... Thanks very much! Annemarie
Rosemary 01 Oct, Elf Chef (USA - Zone 6a climate)
Can you use a full-spectrum grow lamp for rosemary inside for the winter instead of direct sun?
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