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Eggplant (also Aubergine) 11 Oct, TMR (USA - Zone 6b climate)
I know it's over a year later, but I've been looking for info for overwintering a huge eggplant plant, and saw your question here. Summer '22 I picked up three 5" Japanese eggplant plants from local Tractor supply store, on sale in 3 or 4" pots, for $4 each. I grew them in central MA, each in a 12 or 14" pot all summer. Got some good yield, and they grew to about 18" high, but I decided to bring them inside for the winter to see if I could get more fruit from them. I put them on a south facing bay window, air temp was never much above 68*, I watered, fertilized once (maybe 2x) from October-May, and hand pollinated flowers with a paint brush. Got about 10 fruits, which I thought was pretty good! Nice and tender and sweet. In late May/early June they went outside, (after hardened off properly) planted 1 into 2' tall raised wooden garden box (with tomatoes, potatoes, basil, borage), 1 into a large deep pot, and one in a conditioned straw bale. The pot one failed, the box and straw bale one thrived and are now 3' tall and maybe 2-3' wide. Tons of flowers, fruit, I couldn't keep up. I'm trying to figure out if I can bring one of them inside again (transplant into v. large pot) and get one more summer out of it! So you can probably grow Ichyban Japanese in your zone, just protect from cooler temps, and bring inside if your season isn't long enough.
Eggplant (also Aubergine) 06 Jan, Anonymous (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Plant Feb to May - look on the internet for some varieties.
Ginger 31 Dec, Alesia (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Can I plant Ginger and Turmeric in the month of January? Zone 9b
Ginger 06 Jan, Janet F (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Just checked my ginger pots, many little sprouts starting ( Basically like potatoes) so I just watered well and put them back on the heat mat. I bought the ginger at Whole Foods and rinsed it well in case of any growth inhibitors, cut it in 1-2” chunks with a few places that looked like they could be eyes, planted it in potting soil( 2-3 pieces per 6” pot) just barely covered and watered , put on heat mat with plastic wrap over since our house is old and drafty. But in zone 9 you may have a long enough growing time, I don’t so figured they’d need a head start.
Ginger 06 Jan, Janet F (USA - Zone 6b climate)
You can start it inside. Check you tube, many videos. The rusted gardener has one, in bags on top of the fridge by see video for details. I tried some just in seed started but they didn’t sprout so about to do it in the bag method. Then pot up and outside after frost.
Ginger 04 Jan, (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Probably not - if there is no P S or T's in any of the months in the planting calendar then you don't have the climate for it.
Asparagus 22 Dec, Vicki (USA - Zone 7b climate)
What are the best asparagus to grow in Zone 7b, Virginia by the Bay.
Asparagus 28 Dec, Elisabeth (USA - Zone 7b climate)
I have a patch of purple passion which are tons sweeter than asparagus and they are great producers! We also have a patch of tried and true Millennium. We planted 10 crowns of each about four years ago, and they are enough for our family of 4 with some to spare. I'd love to freeze some and I'm thinking about starting a second patch of about 20 crowns to have some for preserving. Also, remember that when you plant your crowns, you don't harvest from them for two years. Just let them go to fern. They are quite lovely in a herbaceous border with other perennials. These are a gift to your future self! :)
Asparagus 23 Dec, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Google what varieties you have in the USA and try one or ask at a nursery.
Carrot 10 Dec, Helen Chon (USA - Zone 9a climate)
I use Neem oil to control pests for most of my plants. Will Neem Oil work for Carrot flies? I know you can’t use Neem oil in 90° weather but can you use it in 60° weather?
Carrot 30 May, Ali T (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Try Neem cake
Eggplant (also Aubergine) 10 Dec, Annamarie (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Can I grow eggplant year round in zone 9b? I’m hoping to use cuttings taken from existing plants. Thanks
Eggplant (also Aubergine) 04 Feb, Donna (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I grow mine in a pot and bring them in for winter. I am not sure about cuttings, but I have had a mature plant produce two years in a row growing it that way. Same for tomatoes. Fun to have fresh
Eggplant (also Aubergine) 28 Dec, Elisabeth (USA - Zone 7b climate)
YES! I lived in zone 9 in Florida. You can most definitely grow them. Start your seeds indoors in early January and put them out in mid February. They will be producing by April and over it by mid June when your temps start in the 90s. I then always planted okra in June where the eggplants were. They were a nice succession planting in zone 9.
Eggplant (also Aubergine) 14 Dec, Anonymous (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Probably not, Most crops are seasonal, usually temperature reasons. Very few crops produce all year.
Asparagus 08 Dec, KrC (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Hello. I planted a bed of asparagus last year and they grew beautifully. I did not harvest any stalks and the bed is full of ferns. I live in Los Angeles, where the weather has stayed quite temperate, even though it is now December, The ferns are still green. I'm concerned they may not die back fully in our climate. Can I cut the ferns down before they brown without harming the plant?
Asparagus 11 Dec, (USA - Zone 6b climate)
I stop watering in mid Autumn and cut my ferns off end of Winter. This gives them time to die off. The first year I watered and fertilised through winter.
Carrot 08 Dec, Helen Chon (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Cover with board? I don’t understand how a plant grows when it’s covered with a board? I must be missing something.
Carrot 14 Jun, Cecil D. (USA - Zone 5b climate)
Cover the planted SEEDS with a board until they germinate to maintain a moist soil. Uncovered soil dries quickly (which is why we use mulch to cover them as well). Seeds will not sprout when stressed by dry soil. You barely cover the carrot seeds with soil since they are so small. Good luck!
Carrot 05 Apr, Rachel (USA - Zone 8b climate)
It's mostly to help with moisture. Carrot seeds cannot be allowed to dry out. They come up from under just fine.
Carrot 21 Feb, Cindy C. (USA - Zone 8b climate)
A board such as a 1 X 3" is simply to keep rain from dislodging the tiny seed from the soil and retain moisture. I check my seed germination after a week then daily until the seedlings are about 1". Then I remove the board, thin the seedlings and cover with a floating row cover. I plant them right next onions and have no problem with flies.
Carrot 29 Dec, Darlene (USA - Zone 9a climate)
You only cover with a board temporarily as to keep the seeds from washing away and from birds eating them. After a week or more, You are to begin checking for sprouts. Within a week to 10 days, if it’s getting hotter in your climate, you elevate the board above the sprouts by placing a rock at each end of the board length and place the board on top of the two rocks. This keeps it a bit shaded since carrots are cool weather. Then as they get larger ferns and safer to expose, you remove the board. I hope that’s helpful.
Carrot 22 Feb, Helen Chon (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Thank you. Your explanation was clear and much appreciated.
Carrot 11 Dec, (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Use shade cloth or hessian bags above the soil.
Brussels sprouts 08 Dec, Donald Green (USA - Zone 6b climate)
when should brussel sprouts be seeded for spring planting
Brussels sprouts 11 Dec, (USA - Zone 6b climate)
March to June planting for zone 6b.
Cabbage 07 Dec, Ben (USA - Zone 8b climate)
I live in the Midlands of South Carolina. I think it's agricultural zone 8. Looking for cabbage I can plant right now
Cabbage 11 Dec, (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Too late to plant now - check the planting guide here.
Cabbage 28 Dec, Elisabeth (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Well, not entirely true. I got some cabbage seedlings from a nursery that was tossing them. We put them in to the ground on December 3. Then we have them covered with a small hoop house. We also have some incandescent lights to add just enough heat when the temps dip down into the twenties.(F.) You can grow them and they are a challenge, but brassicas like cabbage, kale and broccoli are pretty frost hardy if you give them cover.
Asparagus 24 Nov, pete Basabe (USA - Zone 12b climate)
Hi, Something is eating my asparagus below the soil line. The new shoots are being hallowed out like small caverns below the soil line. This quickly weakens the shoot and then it dries up and dies. The only insects I can find are small (1/4 in) round black beetle like insects that live in the dirt around the new stalks. The full grown stalks do not seem to be affected by these little guys. Any ideas? Thanks, Pete
Showing 721 - 750 of 1708 comments
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