26 Jan 12 Jenny Dutton (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
We are growing rockmelons for the first time and ave quite a few on the vinewhich are not yet ripe (haven't browned off at the stem yet) but they are getting to a good size. One appeared to ripen first on the end then rotted. Any ideas on the problem?
29 Jan 12 Kate (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
I have been growing rockmelons this year and I had 2 grow in Dec-Jan, and now at the end of Jan , I now have another 5-6 growing. Not sure why they didnt grow earlier on, but they are now growing, but I have had to manual pollinate as I havent had any bees this year flying around my flowers, so manually pollinating, but the problem for my plant is that I have mostly male flowers & hardly any female flowers and I have 5 plants. Very strange why I have sooo many male flowers. I was hoping to have a bumper crop this year of Rockies.
Hope at the end of this year, it becomes a better crop for us!
Do your rockies grow Round? I have round rockies, not oval as in like the store brought ones.
15 Nov 13 Denise (Australia - temperate climate)
I'm a bit late with this reply, but sometimes plants just produce a lot of male flowers before they start producing female flowers. The key is to have patience here, which can be hard ;) Hope you had a good crop!
I had that happen with watermelon also. Plus I am growing Rockmelon for the first time. But so hard heaps of vine but only 1 fruit. So I am watching it and caring for it with so much love.
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