19 Jan 20 Peter Golding (Australia - temperate climate)
I live on Sydneys Northern Beaches.
I have my pumpkin vines growing flat out on my lawn. Maybe 3 months since planting from seeds. I notice they produce many flowers but as yet most have dropped off and none have turned to fruit. I have possums and Bandicoots around but dont think they are causing the issue.
How can I please keep the flowers from dropping off?
I keep the water up to them and have used seaweed solutions a few times and added fertiliser pellets.
Thanks for your help in advance
I suggest you look up on the internet how to grow pumpkin. Look up how pumpkin needs bees to take pollen from the male flower to the female flower. Look to see if you have any plants flowers in your yard/neighbour that attract bees. Otherwise learn how to hand pollinate the female flowers.
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