Growing Peas

Pisum sativum : Fabaceae / the pea or legume family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
    P P P              

(Best months for growing Peas in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 46°F and 75°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 2 - 3 inches apart
  • Harvest in 9-11 weeks. Pick the pods every day to increase production.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Potatoes

Your comments and tips

13 May 09, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Tony, we left peas off the tropical calendar because the climate is usually too hot for them. Have you tried asparagus peas? They can cope with warmer weather. You use the pod whole like sugar peas.
31 May 12, Leanne (Australia - temperate climate)
Im in Adelaide, and have planted some garden pea sprouts into a newly constructed raised garden bed. The soil is top quality, they are in an optimum position for sun all day, and the weather has been very forgiving with good sun and light rains, yet my pea sprouts are dying. I am not overwatering and the soil was brand new when i planted them, i also gave a light sprinkling of seasol about 3 weeks after planting to try to revive them, but they are just turning yellow and dying. What can i do? Im quite new to gardening.
12 May 09, Tony Richards (Australia - tropical climate)
Whats the best time to plant peas in the tropics eg. Broome W.A.
20 Apr 09, David (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi green thumbs, I am on the look out for "Show Perfection" peas. Any clues anyone?
01 Apr 09, David (Australia - temperate climate)
Garry: dig over a trench about a spade wide & deep. mix in some compost (if you have any) add some potash (or wood ash), make a groove about 50 mm deep and 100mm wide. sprinkle peas in the groove and cover, tamp down gently. water well. Keep moist not wet. Now is about the time to get the first crop in (depending on the variety 50 seeds feeds a family of 4, twice a week) put the next crop in, in about 3-4 weeks. My first crop is swimming at the moment :(
30 Jan 09, Garry (Australia - temperate climate)
i would like to try growing some peas how best to go about it?
31 Aug 08, neil lake (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
any particular ph values or soil types need to grow good crop.
31 Jul 08, wade (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
what would be the best time to grow snow peas and what products should i use to ensure the soil is good for growing in
02 Jul 08, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Wayne, the critical factor about frost is whether the ground is frozen. If not, you can plant and use frost cloth or even newspaper to keep your plants warm at night. Sunshine will damage the plant cells if they heat too quickly from frosting.
02 Jul 08, wayne (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
We still have minus degree frosts in mid Sept is it too early to sow now
Showing 181 - 190 of 197 comments

I was a little confused. I got a planting reminder from the Old Farmers Almanac that it was time to plant peas June 8th, in zone 9a. Isn't it too hot?

- Jessica Ipina

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