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Showing 661 - 690 of 1708 comments
Rosella (also Queensland Jam Plant, Roselle) 29 Mar, Anonymous (USA - Zone 4a climate)
Don't know your climate but after frosts I would think. It likes warm climate.
Rhubarb 20 Mar, Wayneman (USA - Zone 9a climate)
I live in zone 9a and have had success growing rhubarb. I have it in planter boxes and it seemed like it would not make the first summer but it is beautiful this spring. I keep in in partial shade during the summer.
Rhubarb 31 Dec, Steven Walker (USA - Zone 9a climate)
What kind of rhubarb did you purchase? What special precautions did you take to grow rhubarb?
Garlic 20 Mar, Bella Lopez (USA - Zone 9b climate)
How often do we water garlic?
Garlic 21 Mar, Anonymous (USA - Zone 3a climate)
Put your finger in the soil if it is dry below 1 inch, add water.
Ginger 20 Mar, Dee (USA - Zone 8b climate)
I have been growing edible ginger in a large 16” pot for the last three years from organic store-bought ginger root. I live in SE Alabama where summers can get extremely hot, so I make sure they get partial shade. I harvested the rhizomes in November when the canes were turning brown and the rhizomes were large & plump. It is now mid-March and temperatures are ranging from mid 60s to upper 70s, so I will break apart some of the rhizomes and let them scab over and replant in fresh soil in the next week or two.
Cucumber 18 Mar, Gina (USA - Zone 8a climate)
I planted my cucumber plants 3-4inch apart in about a15 inch space. At the end of a elevated garden. I took hog or pig wire made a arch off the end of the bed. Trained the plants to climb up and dow the arch. The wire was so spaced I could put the cucumber in the holes in the wire to support the vegetable. It loved it
Sweet corn (also corn,maize) 18 Mar, Elise Blanchard (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Is it too late to plant corn here in zone 7b?
Sweet corn (also corn,maize) 19 Mar, Elder (USA - Zone 7b climate)
No, to be safe succession plant. Starting late Feb. thru Mar.
Tomato 15 Mar, Sue Di Giacomo (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Does it help to run a misting system during the heat of Florida summertime or would that do more harm than good; ie risk burning the leaves or inviting diseases etc.
Tomato 17 Mar, Kylee (USA - Zone 5b climate)
my understanding is that keeping the leaves wet may make the plant more susceptible to disease and fungal issues, so its probably best to only water the base of the plant. Just make sure to give your tomatoes some shade throughout the day and i think they'll be alright
Sweet Potato (also Kumara) 12 Mar, DeAnn Johnson (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Thank you so much for the GREAT Tip!!!
Sweet Potato (also Kumara) 15 Mar, (USA - Zone 4a climate)
Read the posting here in the New Zealand section - I just put a reply there about growing Sweet Pots.
Asparagus Pea (also Winged bean) 10 Mar, Lori (USA - Zone 8b climate)
What is the depth of roots for asparagus peas? Do they grow well in containers?
Asparagus Pea (also Winged bean) 11 Mar, Anonymous (USA - Zone 5b climate)
Containers just need more attention with watering and fertilising etc.
Asparagus Pea (also Winged bean) 15 Mar, Lori (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Thanks. Do you know how deep the roots go, so I know how big the container needs to be?
Asparagus Pea (also Winged bean) 24 Mar, Celeste Archer (Canada - Zone 7b Mild Temperate climate)
I believe beans (winged beans or winged peas as they are called) are medium rooting depth --> that is 18" to 24". You can go online and search for rooting depth of vegetables and you'll get a table that shows: very shallow, shallow, medium, deep and, very deep rooted vegetables. Where very shallow is under 12" , shallow: 12"-18", medium 18"-24", deep 24"-36", very deep 36+". This is also what they call the EFFECTIVE root zone -- so in reality the plant can go deeper. Tomatoes are deep or very deep rooted (and tend toward the 36+" side) -- but many people grow them in containers that are about 18" deep -- the growth is a bit stunted, but other than that they look fine. So when you see that beans like about 24" of depth, that does not mean you can't successfully grow them in a 15" deep pot. I have found that VOLUME of soil is more important than total depth (it's a bit of a give and take) -- but lets say a 10" deep half barrel would be better suited for winged beans than a 24" deep narrow fluted container. Plants sent out roots to collect the necessities of life; water, macro nutrients (N, P, K, calcium etc.) and micronutrients (boron, iron, zinc etc.) - the roots also provide stability. Beans fix their own nitrogen but still need all the other nutrients and I have found benefit greatly from an application of micro nutrients. Whatever container size or shape you choose you need to ensure all the necessities of life are available for the plant; good aeration in the soil (look at orchid pots if you want to understand really good aeration), enough water, nutrients in a timely fashion. A small pot with little soil volume will need to have nutrition added regularly, as the plant will quickly use up all the supplies available in the soil. Further, I have found that pots with a lot of surface area give me plenty of room to top up the plant with compost or manure -- if you don't have room to top up the soil you need to use liquid fertilizers (like making you own leachate - or buying some commercial fertilizers). I remember when I wanted a container garden (my first ever container garden in the city - having always planted plants directly in the soil as containers tend to be expensive) -- anyhow, I learned the hard way HOW FAST the nutrients get used up in containers -- containers tend to require a lot of amendments (fertilizer) compared to plants in the soil for two reasons: 1. plants in the soil can send their roots out further scooping up nutrients, and using what is already there -- like minerals from rocks 2. nutrients tend to also LEACH out of containers when you water; and you are less likely to leach out your nutrients even in raised beds as you need have "run off" to do so. Hope this helps with your decision on size and shape of your pot !!!
Watermelon 09 Mar, Trish Deeter (USA - Zone 10b climate)
What are the best seeds to purchase for Zone 10b, Costa Mesa, Southern part of California near the ocean?
Watermelon 03 Apr, Karen Hutchison (USA - Zone 10b climate)
I have had good luck with Klondike
Mint (also Garden mint) 05 Mar, Carol Howard (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Looking for tips on growing peppermint in my zone (9b) due to the extreme summertime heat and poor ground soil conditions in my yard Need info on watering, soil, feeding, & light for best results & healthy plants
Mint (also Garden mint) 20 Mar, Cynthia (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I live in zone 9B, Inland Empire. First off I suggest you grow any kind of mint in a pot, as it is highly invasive. I live in a really hot area, so I grow my mint were it only gets morning sun, otherwise it fries, and becomes filled with white fly's.
Mint (also Garden mint) 16 Mar, Elder (USA - Zone 7b climate)
My best advice: Peppermint is hardy, grows in poor soil and drought tolerant. I do recommend planting in a container, even then once the roots work their way out of the weeping holes you will have it where ever it sat or where ever the trails touch the ground long enough to take root if it isn't trimmed regularly. VERY invasive species and that goes for all of the Mint Family. It will ruin a Garden/vegetable bed quickly. Due to the extreme heat you might try a little experiment. Plant some it in full sun, some in partial, and full shade to find whats best in your conditions.
Mint (also Garden mint) 09 Mar, anonymous (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Suggest you do some internet research on improving your soil, when to water, light requirements, and fertilising.
Cucumber 23 Feb, Christine C (USA - Zone 7b climate)
My garden area isn't super big - how far away/close can my cucumber and tomato plants be?
Cucumber 14 Jun, Cecil D. (USA - Zone 5b climate)
I grow in raised beds and have no problems w/ tomatoes in a bed next to the cukes. As long as you don't plant nearby in the same container or soil you should be perfectly fine.
Cucumber 27 Feb, Anonymous (USA - Zone 4a climate)
Probably 3-4 meters.
Cabbage 10 Feb, Theresa (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Live in zone 8A Midlands SC but right next to coastal , It's Feb 10, I'm confused about when to plant Cabbage, If Cabbage does well over winter why not now before it gets too hot? . I'm going to try. I put just 12 seeds in pots for transplants, AND going to try seeds in ground today or tomorrow. Any midlands of SC out there?
Cabbage 25 Jun, Julie (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Also Midland's area (30 minutes north east of Columbia). Here it is late June and I just considered cabbage my garden. I guess I'm going to start some seeds inside late next month then more in late August before moving to the garden in late September. I'll call it an experiment. BTW, how did yours do?
Chilli peppers (also Hot peppers) 10 Feb, Thomas Perry (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Can I bottom water superhot peppers, (reapers, ghosts, scorpions) through grow bags? Will doing this cause my 7 gallon grow bags to rot out? Will the water even reach my plants in a container this size? Thank you for your help!
Chilli peppers (also Hot peppers) 19 Mar, Elder (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Absolutely, the purpose of the grow bag is to weep the moisture from the ground. If you have the bags on a different surface than bare soil/(non-permeable) you're not using them the way they were intended to be used. You could actually use a bathroom scale and weigh the bag filled with soil/ and planting before watering. Get them all around the same weight, remember or record. Totally saturate the bags, wait until all water dissipates from around them/ excess water drains out and weigh them again, record. You will know exactly how much moisture/medium they hold (8lb/1gal). Over the course of the next days/weeks depending on your conditions, if you go so far as to monitor the weight via the scale or just pick them up to see how heavy they feel you will learn when they (??)
Showing 661 - 690 of 1708 comments
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