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Showing 451 - 480 of 1708 comments
Leeks 04 Dec, Anonymous (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Do some research on what varieties grow in your area/district. It doesn't make much difference probably.
Brussels sprouts 27 Nov, Donald Herster Green (USA - Zone 6b climate)
when to put out brussel sprout transplants in zone 6b
Brussels sprouts 21 Mar, GodsChild17 (USA - Zone 9a climate)
You need to go to the top of this page and where it says zone click that and it’s a drop down menu and select your zone
Sweet corn (also corn,maize) 20 Nov, Pam Thies (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Zone 9b can corn be started in ghse. and transplanted into outside raised bed?
Sweet corn (also corn,maize) 04 Dec, (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Transfer when about 6' high.
Garlic 18 Nov, Mairlyn (USA - Zone 8a climate)
I read that I should place my garlic in the refrigerator for 7 to 8 weeks before planting. I read this after the fact. How will no refrigeration prior to planting effect my results?
Garlic 16 Apr, Michelle (USA - Zone 9b climate)
In my zone, because it's warm, you need to do cold stratification in the frig before planting. I tried before with store garlic and it didn't work, now I bought softneck, put in the frig a few weeks and they are doing great.
Garlic 07 Dec, Paula (USA - Zone 10a climate)
I have never chilled mine and they do okay. I don't know the type as I have as I started with grocery store bulbs, but I have read that soft neck varieties do better in warm climates.
Garlic 04 Dec, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Probably make no difference. The thing is to use mature aged bulbs. Fresh new bulbs may not be as good as bulbs that have been out of the ground for a few months.
Kale (also Borecole) 12 Nov, Caleb (USA - Zone 7b climate)
When do you harvest kale?
Kale (also Borecole) 18 Nov, Ruth A Hersh (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Anytime it looks good to you, start harvesting the outer leaves, they will keep growing more from the inside. I over harvest mine sometimes, just leaving a few baby leaves coming out of the top, & they still keep coming,
Kale (also Borecole) 15 Nov, Anonymous (USA - Zone 4a climate)
Read the notes here about when to harvest.
Jerusalem Artichokes (also Sunchoke) 08 Nov, Carol (USA - Zone 9a climate)
I bought 5 tubers from Amazon, they're huge, about 4" wide! Can I cut them to make more plantings? Also, it says to plant in February, how do I store then until then? Don't want them to rot!
Jerusalem Artichokes (also Sunchoke) 18 Nov, Ruth A Hersh (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Store them in a pot of dry dirt. Cut them a cpl days before planting to allow the cut to scab over. best if you can dip wet cut in wood ash so that insects dont find it attractive.
Collards (also Collard greens, Borekale) 05 Nov, Dana Bennett (USA - Zone 5a climate)
I plant my collards in September here in Montgomery Alabama should I be planting them at a different time? I do very well with them the late summer and early fall. I was not aware that they come back I always pull the plant and put them in a compost. Should I be doing that?
Ginger 03 Nov, GB (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Can ginger be grown in greenhouses (raised beds, plastic coverings, warmers as needed) in zone 9a? Have access to great soil, lots of water and high humidity.
Ginger 18 Nov, Ruth A Hersh (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Ginger 12 Nov, Julie (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I am very successful growing ginger in my 9b raised beds and clay succulent planters (a 2ft shallow clay pot you see at garden centers with annuals or cacti growing in them). I sow knobs I've purchased at the market (no problem with them sprouting) in the springtime though; as the summer heat comes on, I make sure to water every day. Just make sure you butt the broken off end against the side of the container, and allow the front part of the plant to grow forward towards the center of the pot. (Hopefully that makes sense).
Carrot 01 Nov, Sharon (USA - Zone 7b climate)
When should I start my carrot seeds for harvesting in January February March
Carrot 07 Nov, Liz (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Find your zone at the top of the Carrot page Check the harvest time and work back from that, or check the chart which suggests sowing time.
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 27 Oct, Fawn E Rosenberg (USA - Zone 6b climate)
I have 6-8 inch cape gooseberry plants in a pot, which were started from seed during the summer. I brought them inside since we are expecting our first frost tomorrow. What can I do to keep them thriving through our upcoming harsh winter? And how long until they will bear fruit? Thank you!
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 30 Oct, Anonymous (USA - Zone 6b climate)
They are a spring summer crop - not something you grow through winter.
Carrot 22 Oct, Mar (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Can I sow carrot seeds in mid October zone 8a. The fall heat hasn't helped my failed attempts.
Carrot 18 Nov, Ruth A Hersh (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Absolutely, you can! The weather is not the same every year.
Carrot 25 Oct, Anonymous (USA - Zone 8a climate)
It suggests up to Sept. Carrots need to be cover with some hessian or shade cloth/??? and watered a couple of times a day. Prepare your soil well and have it in a fine crumbly level soil,
Asparagus 20 Oct, Shelby Stone (USA - Zone 7b climate)
How do I start asparagus from seed in the fall? Do I sow directly into the ground or start indoors? Zone 7b Thank you!
Asparagus 25 Oct, Anonymous (USA - Zone 7b climate)
It suggests to plant Nov Dec. Start them in pots or trays. They are very fine little seedlings and need close attention with watering. Some sun, some shade during the day until they are a few inches high.
Jerusalem Artichokes (also Sunchoke) 19 Oct, Jim (USA - Zone 8b climate)
I live on the Alabama Gulf Coast, and just bought 4lb Jerusalem Artichokes for planting. Can I plant now (October) or if I need to wait until Spring, how should I store them? Should I mulch if I plant now? Thank You
Jerusalem Artichokes (also Sunchoke) 25 Oct, Anonymous (USA - Zone 8b climate)
It says plant Nov.
Garlic 16 Oct, Holly (USA - Zone 5b climate)
Can I plant garlic bulbs in pots (that will remain outside throughout winter) in zone 5b?
Showing 451 - 480 of 1708 comments
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