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Showing 391 - 420 of 1708 comments
Rhubarb 30 Jan, phil coppola (USA - Zone 7b climate)
What variety of rhubarb is best to grow as a perennial in zone 7. I tried rhubarb about 45 years ago and was unsuccessful. Reason being that the temperature in the winter wasn't cold enough in the winter and if you were to try to grow it you were required to expose the bulb (?roots) to a freeze. Are there new varieties that don't require that. Please advise.
Onion 29 Jan, Gladis (USA - Zone 10a climate)
What variety grows best in zone 10a (Southern California)?
Onion 07 Jan, Lisa (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Any Short Day onions. Google "Short Day Onions". I also live in Southern California and just received my onions sets from Dixondale Farms.
Onion 29 Jan, Ron Holt (USA - Zone 7b climate)
I would like to grow onions (sets) in my garden this Feb. 23 to be harvested as mature onions in about 6 months. I would prefer sweet onions. Can you suggest a a particular type ? Do I need to buy heated onions? Thanks, Ron
Garlic 27 Jan, Michelle (USA - Zone 7a climate)
I have some German garlic that I really need to plant. Is it too late to plant it in a raised bed in my Zone 7a right now? Still have about 8 to 10 weeks of 20 to 30 degree nights ahead. Thanks!
Luffa (also Loofah, plant sponge) 23 Jan, Lisa Cologna (USA - Zone 9a climate)
I live in Las Vegas Nevada. It gets very hot during the summer months (100 to 120°). Will the loofahs grow here?
Luffa (also Loofah, plant sponge) 01 Feb, Elaine (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Yes! I live in south Spain which is zone 9b/10a and grew loofah plants successfully in 2021. We had a couple of weeks over 40c (105f) and it grew like crazy! Use straw mulch and water well twice a week.
Sweet Marjoram (also Knotted marjoram) 23 Jan, Philip Behrens (USA - Zone 7a climate)
Is there a variety of sweet marjoram hardy to zone 7?
Onion 19 Jan, Sharon Burke (USA - Zone 7b climate)
I took a kitchen scrap from a yellow onion and now I have roots what kind of soil should I plant this in for indoor in January please and thank you
Artichokes (Globe) 19 Jan, Darla Herring (USA - Zone 7a climate)
Hi there, We have chaotic weather here in Amarillo, Tx. 4 degrees one night in winter, 60 the next day. Sometimes we get snow, usually we don't. Some winters seem like spring/summer, some are freezing. Then occasionally we get a serious freeze in April and a storm that blows everybody's metal roof off. I planted an imperial star or green globe artichoke 8 years ago - it has nice-looking pink spiky looking flowers. I can't get rid of it and I can't make it produce any more than 2.5" artichokes that are hard and inedible. We get to 108 occasionally in the summer. Why are artichokes listed as ok for zone 7A? Nobody I know can grow them here. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Cabbage 19 Jan, Theresa (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Planting cabbage this weekend hopefully does not get too warm too quick.
Asparagus 18 Jan, Ericka Wojcik (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Any one have succes growing in 9b?
Asparagus 28 Jan, Heidi (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Im in La Quinta m, CA and I have the same question! Transplanting mine today! Hopefully will remember to update this post!
Asparagus 23 Jan, Anonymous (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Not suited to your climate by the look.
Asparagus 29 Dec, Tami (USA - Zone 9a climate)
I have asparagus growing well. I do get snow a couple days a year here in the high desert of California.
Sweet Marjoram (also Knotted marjoram) 13 Jan, (USA - Zone 7a climate)
Is there a variety of sweet marjoram hardy to zone 7?
Eggplant (also Aubergine) 13 Jan, Lori (USA - Zone 9a climate)
What varieties of eggplant grows best in 9a?
Eggplant (also Aubergine) 30 Jun, Ava (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I live in Texas City and this is my second time growing egg plant. Last year it was unsuccessful due to the heat and planting too late in the season. This year I’m doing really good because I planted my seeds early in the Spring. This is also my first time cooking eggplant. My husband and I are loving them.
Eggplant (also Aubergine) 06 Feb, Gene (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Eggplant can be grown here in Florida 9b pretty much all least that is what we do. We keep the same plants growing and producing all year. I would avoid the long Japanese varieties though. We have had better luck with the globe-shaped ones. I put the small plants out under some kind of protection, like a milk carton or such, until they get established. When we get the occasional cold and windy weather, mostly in Jan., I cover the plants with a light blanket, and take it off right away when the weather moderates. Otherwise, they just do fine. Bug-wise, I use insecticidal soap spray, or, Bt. The bugs damage some leaves but not the fruits, usually. Good luck.
Artichokes (Globe) 11 Jan, Sarah Randall (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Will artichoke grow in zon÷ 10a 9b Southwest Florida? Is Feb good fur planting them?
Artichokes (Globe) 21 Apr, SoCal BYGarden (USA - Zone 10b climate)
They grew great in Zone 10b. I put 2 in a 2"x3' planner with own bottom. The first year was rough for the plants I thought they were not going to make it. The second year they did OK (5-7) artichokes between both plants. The third year one of the plants did not come back ( they dry up between seasons) but the other plant is doing great. Over 15 globes from 1 plant.
Garlic 07 Jan, Alan Kuchas (USA - Zone 3b climate)
I’m in zone 3a-3b. In your note for planting garlic , it suggest planting in APRIL? I always plant in October for next years harvest in aug-Sept. if I plant in April will I get bulbs in the Fall?
Garlic 23 Jan, Anonymous (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Have read, plant in the shortest daylight hours and harvest in the longest hrs of sunlight.
Radish 06 Jan, Andres S Del Villar (USA - Zone 8b climate)
You may want to do a soil test so you know what you have and what you don't. Using all that potting soil you may need some lime mix in there. If your organic is right out of the bag and not aged you just have to wait several yeas before it's broken down well.
Snow Peas (also Sugar Peas, Mangetout, Chinese Peas) 04 Jan, Fred R soto (USA - Zone 12a climate)
We love Chinese cuisine and have moved to Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. It is in Zone 12A. We e have cool nights (low 60F) and our patio has areas when it is never in full sun. Is it possible to grow snow peas here. I ask because we are not allowed to bring in seeds into the country and getting them from any source is as much as $50USD for even a packet of 20 to 50 seeds. Thanks in advance.
Snow Peas (also Sugar Peas, Mangetout, Chinese Peas) 05 Jan, Anonymous (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Plants need sunlight and generally plenty of it.
Sweet Potato (also Kumara) 02 Jan, Allen (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Hi; I know what a sweet potato slip is but what the heck is a sweet potato crown? All I can find on the internet is recipes for cooking not planting.
Sweet Potato (also Kumara) 08 Jan, Chris (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Crowns are the top sprouting part of a sweet potato. It should say slips too.
Sweet Potato (also Kumara) 05 Jan, Anonymous (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
A slip should be 20 cm/8 in
Tomato 02 Jan, Irma (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I always gets my seeds From Burpee’s online. They have always yielded great amount of tomatoes.
Showing 391 - 420 of 1708 comments
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